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Chapter President: Riley L.
Birthday: November 17th Hometown: Madera, CA Year in School: Senior (12th grade) Educational/Collegiate Goals: I Hope to obtain my bachelors degree in Ag business and Ag communications. Career Aspirations: Agricultural Attorney Accomplishments:
"The essence of great leadership is influence, not authority" Why I became a chapter officer: I became a chapter officer because FFA has inspired me and given me the opportunity to be better and do better. This is an experience I hope I will allow every FFA member to experience. |
As Chapter President, my duties are to:
- Preside over meetings according to accepted rules of parliamentary procedure.
- Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio, non-voting member.
- Coordinate the activities of the chapter and evaluate the progress of each division of the POA.
- Represent the chapter in public relations and official functions.
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Chapter Vice President: Marisa O.
Birthday: November 12th
Hometown: Merced, CA Year in School: Senior (12th Grade) Educational/Collegiate Goals: I hope to attend Sacramento state and major in education. Career Aspirations: I hope to become either a Kindergarten Teacher or a Nurse. Accomplishments: -Honor Roll -ASB officer -Medical academy student SAE Project: Market Swine
"If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down." -Gurubogsa Why I became a chapter officer: I became an officer because I felt like I needed to be more confident and have more leadership skills. I wouldn't have become an officer without the support I had from my friends and family. I wanted to be a role model for those younger students that weren't quite sure where they fit on campus. I hope to be a connection for those students and welcome them to our FFA family. |
As Chapter Vice President, my duties are to:
- Assume all duties of the president if necessary
- Develop the POA and serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the POA committees
- Coordinate all committee work
- Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress toward meeting chapter goals
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Chapter 2nd Vice President: Valentin A.
Birthday: October 31st
Hometown: Le Grand, CA Year in School: Senior (12th Grade) Educational/Collegiate Goals: I plan to attend Merced College for two years. Accomplishments: -Greenhand, State Degree, -Being a two time FFA chapter Officer -Passing Ap Spanish SAE Project: Crop Maintenance
Why I became a chapter officer: I became a chapter officer because I want to become a better leader, and inspire other FFA members to do the same. |
As Chapter Vice President, my duties are to:
- Assume all duties of the president if necessary
- Develop the POA and serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the POA committees
- Coordinate all committee work
- Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress toward meeting chapter goals
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Chapter Secretary: Cecilia A.
Birthday: February 1st
Hometown: Le Grand, CA Year in School: Senior (12th Grade) Educational/Collegiate Goals: I hope to attend college to major in business. Career Aspirations: I would like to work in ag. business. Accomplishments:
"If it makes you happy, no one else's opinion should matter" Why I became a chapter officer: I became a chapter officer to obtain knowledge on public speaking. I also wanted to be more involved with FFA. I want to motivate other students to be part of FFA and to help others have fun memories being in our organization. |
As Chapter Secretary, my duties are to:
- Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting.
- Prepare and present the minutes of each chapter meeting.
- Place all committee reports in the secretary’s file.
- Be responsible for chapter correspondence.
- Maintain member attendance and activity records and issue membership cards.
- Have on hand for each meeting: - The secretary’s file
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Chapter Treasurer: Cesar A.
Birthday: February 12th
Hometown: , CA Year in School: Senior (12th Grade) Educational/Collegiate Goals: I hope to attend Fresno state Career Aspirations: Ag mechanics teacher Accomplishments:
" Stay gold" -Pony Boy from The Outsiders Why I became a chapter officer: I became a chapter officer to better inform members and our community about the importance of agriculture. |
As Chapter Treasurer, my duties are to:
- Receive, record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts.
- Present monthly treasurer reports at chapter meetings.
- Collect dues and special assessments.
- Maintain neat and accurate treasury records.
- Prepare and submit the membership roster and dues to the National FFA Organization through the state FFA association office in cooperation with the secretary.
- Serve as chairperson of the finance committee.
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Chapter Reporter : Angel A.
Birthday: September 29th
Hometown: Le Grand, CA Year in School: Junior (11th Grade) Educational/Collegiate Goals: I would like to attend Harvard. Career Aspirations: Astronomer Accomplishments:
Why I became a chapter officer: I became a chapter office because I heard of good stories and wanted a new experience. |
As Chapter Reporter, my duties are to:
- Serve as chair of the POA public relations committee.
- Plan public information programs with local radio, television, newspaper and service clubs and make use of other opportunities to tell the FFA story.
- Release news and information to local and regional news media.
- Publish a chapter newsletter or website.
- Prepare and maintain a chapter scrapbook.
- Send local stories to area, district and state reporters and to any school publications.
- Send articles and photographs to FFA New Horizons and other national and regional publications and websites.
- Work with local media on radio and television appearances and FFA news.
- Serve as the chapter photographer.
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Chapter Sentinel: Colton H.
Birthday: June 6th
Hometown: Le Grand, CA Year in School: Sophomore (10th Grade) Educational/Collegiate Goals: Career Aspirations: I would like to own agriculture business Accomplishments:
Why I became a chapter officer: I became a chapter office because it look like a lot of fun and a positive learning experience. |
As Chapter Sentinel, my duties are to:
- Assist the president in maintaining order.
- Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition.
- Welcome guests and visitors.
- Keep the meeting room comfortable.
- Take charge of candidates for degree ceremonies.
- Assist with special features and refreshments.
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Chapter Historian: Nadia A.
Birthday: January 3th
Hometown: Le Grand, CA Year in School: Sophomore (10th Grade) Educational/Collegiate Goals: I hope to attend a D-1 college Career Aspirations: Accomplishments:
"If it makes you happy, no one else's opinion should matter" Why I became a chapter officer: I became a chapter officer to obtain knowledge on public speaking, I also wanted to be more involved with FFA. I want to motivate other students to be part of FFA and to help others have fun memories being in FFA. |
As Chapter Historian, my duties are to:
- Develop and maintain a scrapbook and/or electronic web page of memorabilia to record the chapter’s history.
- Research and prepare items of significance of the chapter’s history.
- Prepare displays of chapter activities and submit stories of former members to the media as well as social media.
- Assist the reporter in providing photography for chapter needs.
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Chapter Parliamentarian Colby L.
Birthday: March 19th
Hometown: Madera, CA Year in School: Sophomore (10th Grade) Educational/Collegiate Goals: I would like to graduate out of high school and college. Career Aspirations: Sports medicine Accomplishments:
Why I became a chapter officer: I became a chapter officer because I wanted to be a part of something special. I wanted to have a more active and involved role in our FFA chapter. |
As Chapter Historian, my duties are to:
- Develop and maintain a scrapbook and/or electronic web page of memorabilia to record the chapter’s history.
- Research and prepare items of significance of the chapter’s history.
- Prepare displays of chapter activities and submit stories of former members to the media as well as social media.
- Assist the reporter in providing photography for chapter needs.